Saturday, October 10, 2009

August Pictures

As promised, here are some pictures of the boys. They aren't the ones from my phone...those will have to wait. I know that I will probably post too many, but they're just so ADORABLE (and I'm not just saying that because I'm mom) I can't decide ones not to post. Besides, this is a VERY limited selection of how many pictures we take of them. To narrow it down, I'll separate them by month. Here are some from August.

Early August:
Logan doing his tree frog impression.

Daddy and the boys watching Saturday morning Sportscenter; and Carter saying "Daddy, Daddy, is it cartoon time yet??"

Tummy Time!!
What happens when mommy forgets to bring hats on a walk and it gets cold...Daddy is so creative!!

Here are some more from mid August:
Daddy teaching Logan how to play XBox.

Logan getting ready for his street fighting career.

Carter, chillin' in his Bumbo.

Logan saying "Dad, I'm too tired to play in the jumper!"

Logan, helping mom with laundry.

Angelique's wedding, 8-8-09

Here is me getting Logan's bottle ready...we thought bottles would be easier since there were so many extra hands around. Unfortunately there were no grandparents to be found, so mom and dad fed them. :)
Here is cousin Jessica holding both boys in her fancy wrap. Don't they look cozy!
Here is Logan after the wedding. He hit the bottle a little too hard with his great uncle Mark at the bar and was sleeping it off in the morning.

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