The boys, in my belly. Taken 4-22-09 (boys were born 4-30):
Little babies, still in the hospital:
Here are the boys in their bouncers at 2 weeks old - Can you believe they were ever this small!?! Now they have to be strapped in because they can practically climb out of these little bouncers.
This is one of the many moments I get to enjoy each day as one of my little boys smile away at me. What a cutie!
Here are the boys at their 4 month doctor's visit, checking themselves out in the mirror. Notice the gown that Carter is wearing - yeah, he threw up on himself.
Grandmama Susie, trying to keep a hold on to her boys and get all her farm chores done at the same time. Yup, that's gonna happen.
Logan, just chillin on the couch.
Carter, sleeping with daddy and covering his ear since mommy is so loud making breakfast.
Sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed. (I had to get up since Logan took my spot - and he takes up so much room too!)
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