Monday, October 26, 2009

The lesser known milestones

When I was pregnant, I would anxiously await each weekly email from to find out what my little poppy seed (before I knew there were two in there) was doing. Then it became my little grapes, then acorns, and then my little chinese cabbages...well, you get the picture. Assuming they were reaching each milestone about that time made it easier to imagine what the little guys were doing, though I figured they might be a little off since there were two. I still get those emails, though they don't relate babies' sizes to food anymore, but it's not really the same when I can see what they're doing. Also, since the boys went and came 5 weeks earlier than they were supposed to, they aren't really on the same track as all those "normal" babies anyway. I don't really know what the boys are supposed to "officially" be doing at this stage in their little lives, but I thought I'd list some of the things that they are doing.

The first Sibling Cuddle: This morning, the boys were sitting next to each other after eating breakfast and Carter leaned over onto Logan and tried to grab his arm - it was like he was trying to give him a big hug! I don't know if it was his intention, but it sure seemed like he was trying to cuddle! (Logan was not as pleased since he was trying to sleep.)

The first time they realize how to turn out the lights: Also this morning, the boys were in their car seats on the way to their grandma's house. I put on the little wool hats their yaya knitted for them (which are still just a little big if the cuff isn't rolled up) to keep their little tired heads warm, and they kept pulling them down over their eyes. Once Carter was in the car, he pulled his down and went right to sleep. It was adorable! Logan's slipped over his eyes too, but I don't know that he pulled his down. He also went right to sleep. Hmmm... may use that knowledge in the future!

The Pacifier Replacement: When you put Carter's pacifier in his hand, he now has made the connection that if he lifts his hand to his mouth, his pacifier also comes. He has also started - just tonight - sucking his upper lip in anticipation of the binkie on the way.

The Nap Shower: This morning was the second (or third) morning where I have successfully showered - with no one else home - while the boys were dutifully taking their morning nap. They are on such a good schedule now, I can be almost sure that they will stay asleep for at least an hour in the morning. How wonderful is that!!

Holding the bottle: Carter does it every once and a while, and boy does it make feeding him easier! He prefers to hold the hand that is holding the bottle, though, so it doesn't usually help. Logan will hold his bottle, but not in his mouth.

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