Monday, October 12, 2009

I've made a new goal to try and post at least once a week, pictures or not. I just wanted to say how amazed i am with my children. They are reaching out and grabbing at everything, and their focus is getting so much better than it was even a month ago. I don't know where they are supposed to be developmentally, but I am pretty sure that they are both GENIUSES.

They are rocking the movement thing, although unconventionally. None of that "rolling over" dumb stuff -- that's for babies!! Carter likes to arch his back and gets quite some distance by scooting up, whereas Logan (somehow) scoots down. We've woken up in the morning and he's moved about a half a foot (and is still totally swaddled) and has his butt in the corner of the crib with his legs in the air. (We angle the boys, heads together, feet away from each other, since they are now too big to lie side by side.) Logan still hasn't given us a repeat of his rolling over act -- he hangs out on his tummy for about 2 minutes and then lets us know quickly that he's had enough.

Both boys love their jumper and are really in to playing their little piano. Unfortunately we only have one jumper, but Logan is content to stand next to it and he plays on the piano while his brother bounces away.

Just a few minutes ago, Evan finally found Carter's ticklish spot and had him hysterically laughing on the floor. He'd already found Logan's, so this is quite an accomplishment. They are all so cute. We even got video of it on our fancy little camera...for a later post maybe. ;)

One last thing -- I may have mentioned that we got the boys on a little more structured nap schedule, and started putting them in their crib for nap times (instead of just letting them sleep where they fall). They do pretty good, but every once and a while Logan will get all wrapped up to sleep, have the droopy eyes and all, and then, once he's laid down, decide he's ready to play. It's so hard when his brother is just drifting off and Logan lets out a loud little squeal of joy. (Of course, Carter wakes with a start, looks all confused for a minute and then falls back asleep). Logan's smiling up at me so big and cooing and talking, it's hard to walk away from that and not egg him on. Carter does it every once and a while, but he values his sleep a little more than his brother. Speaking of being awake during nap time when they should be sleeping...Gotta go!

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