Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sacrifices and New events

As I stood under the shower as the now almost scalding water poured over me, a cool breeze from the open door came drafting in, making the experience just a little less relaxing than I'd hoped. I almost called out to Evan to come and shut it, since he was the one who had left it open, but I didn't. I didn't because before I even asked, a little voice in my head said, "Bri, that's just parenting, and you're going to have to learn to make sacrifices." (The little voice in my head doesn't actually use my name - it's pretty obvious who it's talking to.)

The reason I didn't ask Evan to come shut the door was because I knew that he was working at getting a little clean Logan diapered and dressed before he got peed on (as well as keeping his brother entertained before his nap). So far, we tend to find that one parent in the shower cleaning the baby and the other parent handing and then taking the baby is our preferred de-gunking method for the boys. Besides, when I thought about whether I wanted myself or my little naked son to be the one to freeze (even if only for a minute), I didn't even have to answer the question to myself. It made the draft quite a bit more bearable (though no less cold.)

As for the boys, they are both doing great. Logan is testing his vocal chords, squealing in a very high pitched little voice and - once and a while - doing a sort of grunting growl while he laughs. We weren't sure if he was happy or sad at first, but we're fairly certain it's a happy thing since he laughs in between. Carter hasn't started the high pitched stuff yet.

The swing that they love has a little play tray that snaps on to the front, and there are toys attached that need to be pushed or pulled to get a noise out of them. The boys would always look at them in fascination (and Logan would talk to the little cow a lot), but they were never able to make it play the little song pulling it plays. We could do it for them, but it only lasts about 2 seconds, then you have to hit it again. Not very entertaining for us. We were all overjoyed then, when Logan (and then Carter a few days later) were finally able to not only reach the toys, but to give them a good whack to get them to play their little song. YEAHH!!! I am so proud of them - I didn't think they would ever be big enough to move those little things (you really have to move them to get them to do anything).

And other big news!! Carter rolled over for the first time Wednesday night, and then again on Friday. He only does it once at a time, but the fact that he's repeated means he's got it down. I think his brother still has the skill, but he's yet to show it to us again.

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