Alright, so it turns out all those who said Logan's faucets of slobber were a sign were right. He cut his first little tooth Christmas morning, and was very nice about it. His nose ran like crazy and then an hour or so later daddy found it. I guess dad has a habit of feeling around in Logan's mouth...or it could have been that Logan was chewing on dad's finger and that's how it was discovered. Either way, it was a great surprise. No teeth in Carter yet.
We made it home from Medford alright, (which is where we spent Christmas), but unfortunately some of us (namely Carter and I) came home sick and have only gotten worse. We've both got bad colds and coughs, and Carter even got diagnosed with "croup" on our first unscheduled doctor's visit. We got him some meds and he seems to be getting better already.
Thank goodness, because Evan and I are planning our first big weekend away this weekend, and I don't think the grandparent baby sitters will appreciate such a cranky kid. We're splitting the boys up between the grandparents so they are easier to handle, so there shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully I will be recovered enough to enjoy my freedom! One thing they will have to worry about, though, is baby proofing, since both boys are now officially mobile. Logan has got the inch-worm thing down, and is moving around more and more every minute. Carter isn't quite as comfortable moving forward yet, but he does a 360 on his belly in seconds flat.
Things have been pretty busy around here (despite the sick house label) since we are moving to Vancouver next week. I've got exactly 4 boxes packed. Yikes. Evan keeps saying "don't worry about it" but I have to say, I'm worried. I have a feeling that there are going to be a lot of black plastic bags being hauled up to our new place.
So if you're not doing anything next weekend, we'd love to see you!! (And maybe your empty trunk??)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
An old post...unpublished until now.
It's official; we are moving at the beginning of the year up north to Vancouver. My mom is very sad, but Evan's dad's family is very excited.
Carter has mastered the pacifier, and can now take it out and put it in fairly accurately most times. The boys are eating three meals of solid food a day and unless they're tired (and cranky), they would probably eat more! They're very good at napping for mom at home...not so much for grandma.
Logan has developed a very hammy smile in the last few days, and was cracking up everyone that was hanging out with him last Sunday.
Carter has mastered the pacifier, and can now take it out and put it in fairly accurately most times. The boys are eating three meals of solid food a day and unless they're tired (and cranky), they would probably eat more! They're very good at napping for mom at home...not so much for grandma.
Logan has developed a very hammy smile in the last few days, and was cracking up everyone that was hanging out with him last Sunday.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
So much has happened in the past few weeks! Where do I start? I guess I'll just start in the middle somewhere and hopefully I'll make it to both ends.
Both boys can now get their toes in their mouths (have for about a month now) and do so any time they can, but the funny thing is that they also try and get each others' toes in their mouths as well. Actually, when they're sitting next to each other and decide that they want to chew on something, pretty much anything is fair game - it just depends on which is closer to each mouth. They look at each other and smile or laugh sometimes, but then they also look at each other's binky in their brother's mouth and try (usually successfully) to take it out and put it in theirs (usually unsuccessfully). Once they even switched them entirely. Each took the others and put it in his mouth. It doesn't matter whether they are currently sucking on one or not - it's the principle of the thing. "That guy has what I need. I'd better take it." It's actually fairly logical - and to be expected since the boys are geniuses. So we end up with a lot of pacifiers on the floor in between them or in their hands.
Speaking of that, they have almost mastered another skill - getting their pacifier from their hand into their mouth in the right orientation. They are very good now at scouting out where it is (also the reason for so many pilfered pacifiers) and picking it up, but they haven't quite figured out how to turn it in the right direction. Carter will actually put it his mouth, realize it's wrong and take it away into his other hand and try to reposition it, and he'll try quite a few times, but it is still luck that gets it in there correctly. There are times when he actually sucks on the wrong side of it and seems pretty content; I think those are the times that he has just given up and given in to the fact that this isn't the time he's going to get it and he might as well settle. His big thing in the last few days is to take it out and play with it a bit. Not so fun when we're trying to put him to sleep and he wakes himself up by taking it out. I swear sometimes he does it on purpose!
They are both very in to textures, and (for about a month - since last I blogged) they like to touch and feel everything. About 2 weeks ago, Logan went through a short phase where he would bounce when sitting in your lap. He's mostly moved on from that - his new thing now is to turn around on your lap (especially if you're sitting with your knees up on the coffee table) and suck on your knees. I think it's the texture of the denim he likes - we wear mostly jeans you know. He'll leave your entire knee drenched in about 2 minutes. There's been rumors that he's drooling so much (and let me tell you - it's a LOT) because he's teething, but so far there are no other signs.
Carter's big thing lately (aside from getting better at the binky stuff) is squealing like a banshee. He thinks it's hilarious, which it is, when he's bouncing frantically up and down in the jumperoo. Unfortunately it's also something that he does when he's tired, like when he's supposed to be going down for a nap and his brother has just fallen asleep. When I'm home alone and there is only me to rock him, with his random high pitch screeches, to sleep in the other room and comfort Logan, who was startled awake but is just a few back pats away from sleep or cranky wakefulness, it does get tricky.
Another of Carter's new trick that is absolutely adorable is that he claps his feet together. He actually hold his little ankles and claps them, and when you say "Clap, Clap!" to him, he gets a huge grin on his face and does it more. Logan isn't really in to that - he's much more focused on getting his foot (or feet) in his mouth. It doesn't matter if there are socks on or not, though if there is something on his feet, you can bet it's going to get drenched.
Oh and how could I forget!! Logan is CRAWLING! Well, not really, but he did scoot a few inches toward a toy more than once in the last few days. He set his sights on something, and wiggled his little body glowworm style towards it. We've tried to get him to recreate it for daddy (since he did it at grandma's house) or for a video, but he doesn't seem quite ready to perform on demand yet. It could possibly be that he was a little confused as to which trick we wanted him to perform, because once we set him down he rolled from his tummy onto his back, laid there for a few, then rolled back onto his tummy. (We already recorded the official roll over weeks ago, so he hasn't done it much since then now that it's out of the way as far as accomplishments go.) Carter hasn't got to scooting anywhere yet, but he is better and holding himself in the "crawl" position than his brother. Carter holds himself up on his hands and knees, where as Logan prefers to stay flat.
Solid foods are going great, though we found out on Thanksgiving that they don't love everything. They're not big fans of turkey, though they will tolerate it if we mix it with some yummy fruit. We've also tried freezing squash and putting it in these fancy little feeders that hold food in a little mesh bag so whatever food you put in mooshes through. It was a squash-sickle. Carter Loved it, Logan took one lick and was done. Too cold for him maybe...We're planning on trying it with frozen banana soon - I'll let you know how that goes. ; )
Both boys can now get their toes in their mouths (have for about a month now) and do so any time they can, but the funny thing is that they also try and get each others' toes in their mouths as well. Actually, when they're sitting next to each other and decide that they want to chew on something, pretty much anything is fair game - it just depends on which is closer to each mouth. They look at each other and smile or laugh sometimes, but then they also look at each other's binky in their brother's mouth and try (usually successfully) to take it out and put it in theirs (usually unsuccessfully). Once they even switched them entirely. Each took the others and put it in his mouth. It doesn't matter whether they are currently sucking on one or not - it's the principle of the thing. "That guy has what I need. I'd better take it." It's actually fairly logical - and to be expected since the boys are geniuses. So we end up with a lot of pacifiers on the floor in between them or in their hands.
Speaking of that, they have almost mastered another skill - getting their pacifier from their hand into their mouth in the right orientation. They are very good now at scouting out where it is (also the reason for so many pilfered pacifiers) and picking it up, but they haven't quite figured out how to turn it in the right direction. Carter will actually put it his mouth, realize it's wrong and take it away into his other hand and try to reposition it, and he'll try quite a few times, but it is still luck that gets it in there correctly. There are times when he actually sucks on the wrong side of it and seems pretty content; I think those are the times that he has just given up and given in to the fact that this isn't the time he's going to get it and he might as well settle. His big thing in the last few days is to take it out and play with it a bit. Not so fun when we're trying to put him to sleep and he wakes himself up by taking it out. I swear sometimes he does it on purpose!
They are both very in to textures, and (for about a month - since last I blogged) they like to touch and feel everything. About 2 weeks ago, Logan went through a short phase where he would bounce when sitting in your lap. He's mostly moved on from that - his new thing now is to turn around on your lap (especially if you're sitting with your knees up on the coffee table) and suck on your knees. I think it's the texture of the denim he likes - we wear mostly jeans you know. He'll leave your entire knee drenched in about 2 minutes. There's been rumors that he's drooling so much (and let me tell you - it's a LOT) because he's teething, but so far there are no other signs.
Carter's big thing lately (aside from getting better at the binky stuff) is squealing like a banshee. He thinks it's hilarious, which it is, when he's bouncing frantically up and down in the jumperoo. Unfortunately it's also something that he does when he's tired, like when he's supposed to be going down for a nap and his brother has just fallen asleep. When I'm home alone and there is only me to rock him, with his random high pitch screeches, to sleep in the other room and comfort Logan, who was startled awake but is just a few back pats away from sleep or cranky wakefulness, it does get tricky.
Another of Carter's new trick that is absolutely adorable is that he claps his feet together. He actually hold his little ankles and claps them, and when you say "Clap, Clap!" to him, he gets a huge grin on his face and does it more. Logan isn't really in to that - he's much more focused on getting his foot (or feet) in his mouth. It doesn't matter if there are socks on or not, though if there is something on his feet, you can bet it's going to get drenched.
Oh and how could I forget!! Logan is CRAWLING! Well, not really, but he did scoot a few inches toward a toy more than once in the last few days. He set his sights on something, and wiggled his little body glowworm style towards it. We've tried to get him to recreate it for daddy (since he did it at grandma's house) or for a video, but he doesn't seem quite ready to perform on demand yet. It could possibly be that he was a little confused as to which trick we wanted him to perform, because once we set him down he rolled from his tummy onto his back, laid there for a few, then rolled back onto his tummy. (We already recorded the official roll over weeks ago, so he hasn't done it much since then now that it's out of the way as far as accomplishments go.) Carter hasn't got to scooting anywhere yet, but he is better and holding himself in the "crawl" position than his brother. Carter holds himself up on his hands and knees, where as Logan prefers to stay flat.
Solid foods are going great, though we found out on Thanksgiving that they don't love everything. They're not big fans of turkey, though they will tolerate it if we mix it with some yummy fruit. We've also tried freezing squash and putting it in these fancy little feeders that hold food in a little mesh bag so whatever food you put in mooshes through. It was a squash-sickle. Carter Loved it, Logan took one lick and was done. Too cold for him maybe...We're planning on trying it with frozen banana soon - I'll let you know how that goes. ; )
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Development Spurts
I'd like to say that the boys had a growth spurt and have shot past that 15th percentile mark, but they really haven't. They have however, been reaching some of those much discussed milestones in the past few weeks. They are now sitting up completely on their own. Carter can sit up for longer stretches (like 10 minutes or more), and the only reason I don't put Logan in the same category is that he usually gets too excited playing with his feet or grinning like a Cheshire Cat at someone and tips himself backwards.
Logan has also started kicking like a little jackhammer...I don't think that is a milestone, but it's really funny anyway. He get's his right leg going and just kicks away at whatever is in front of him. Usually it's his brother. Notice in the following pics where Logan's leg is, and then where Carter's hand is. (The second is actually a video, but for some reason I couldn't get the computer to recognize it as check back often - if I figure it out I'll change it).

We also started solid foods, and they are GREAT eaters. We started on the first (see, we waited longer than 6 months - 2 days counts, right?) with bananas and within a few days they were eating like they'd been doing it for months. They are already eating a jars worth of food each (1/2 jar of 2 different flavors) plus a few tablespoons of cereal twice a day. Since we started, they've gotten better at opening their mouths, though whether that keeps the meal cleaner or not depends on who's feeding them (grandma, you know I'm talking to you ... he he he!). We technically started with rice cereal, but they weren't really in to that plain, and so it wasn't until the bananas that they really devoted themselves to the food. Since the bananas, we also added peas, then pears (since, as it turns out, bananas and rice cereal aren't so great at keeping little babies regular, but everything that starts a "p" is). They love it all, plain or mixed together. Today we started oatmeal (instead of the glue like rice cereal) and they seemed ok with that too. It's so hard to wait the prescribed 3-5 days in between each food! I want them to try it all now!
Carter, looking to make sure that it is really gone, then licking the bowl.

Logan, saving some for later on his cheeks, lips and eyebrows.

One more cute thing the boys are doing: grabbing at faces (of people they know) when they're a little tired. Carter is more aggressive with it, but Logan does it too. They reach for your nose and/or mouth and either stick their fingers into your mouth or nostrils or hold your mouth or nose closed. It wasn't really a cute thing until we clipped Carter's nails, though, as the scratches all over my face can prove.
Logan has also started kicking like a little jackhammer...I don't think that is a milestone, but it's really funny anyway. He get's his right leg going and just kicks away at whatever is in front of him. Usually it's his brother. Notice in the following pics where Logan's leg is, and then where Carter's hand is. (The second is actually a video, but for some reason I couldn't get the computer to recognize it as check back often - if I figure it out I'll change it).
We also started solid foods, and they are GREAT eaters. We started on the first (see, we waited longer than 6 months - 2 days counts, right?) with bananas and within a few days they were eating like they'd been doing it for months. They are already eating a jars worth of food each (1/2 jar of 2 different flavors) plus a few tablespoons of cereal twice a day. Since we started, they've gotten better at opening their mouths, though whether that keeps the meal cleaner or not depends on who's feeding them (grandma, you know I'm talking to you ... he he he!). We technically started with rice cereal, but they weren't really in to that plain, and so it wasn't until the bananas that they really devoted themselves to the food. Since the bananas, we also added peas, then pears (since, as it turns out, bananas and rice cereal aren't so great at keeping little babies regular, but everything that starts a "p" is). They love it all, plain or mixed together. Today we started oatmeal (instead of the glue like rice cereal) and they seemed ok with that too. It's so hard to wait the prescribed 3-5 days in between each food! I want them to try it all now!
Carter, looking to make sure that it is really gone, then licking the bowl.
Logan, saving some for later on his cheeks, lips and eyebrows.
One more cute thing the boys are doing: grabbing at faces (of people they know) when they're a little tired. Carter is more aggressive with it, but Logan does it too. They reach for your nose and/or mouth and either stick their fingers into your mouth or nostrils or hold your mouth or nose closed. It wasn't really a cute thing until we clipped Carter's nails, though, as the scratches all over my face can prove.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Six months in Vegas and Halloween
Carter and Logan celebrated their 6 month birthday last Friday by going to the doctors, and then Carter decided he wanted a little more celebration, so he convinced mommy to take him to Las Vegas for a day.
Okay, so that wasn't exactly how it came about, but we did still go to Las Vegas for a day. My grandmother lives there (as well as my father and some other family) and I was given the opportunity to use an expiring plane ticket this weekend to visit her, since she is not in the best of health. We had discussed me going and having the boys stay with Evan while he went up to his dad's house, but on consulting his dad (at the last minute, of course) we realized that he was out of town the entire weekend. It is free to take a child on the plane up to age two, and my father hasn't met the boys yet, so we thought it would be a treat for me to take one.
Deciding who to take wasn't too difficult, either. Both of the boys have had a little cold and since Logan was still a bit congested and his brother wasn't (as confirmed by the doctor's little light-up-the-nose thingy), Carter came with me. He did very well on the plane, and even though we didn't get in to bed until after midnight Friday night, he went to sleep well and woke up smiling. We went trick-r-treating with my little sister Kelly (who was a kitty) and Carter (the monkey) even held his own bag for most of the way (he rode in the baby Bjorn). I felt a little bad at first when people gave us candy, but everyone thought he was so cute, they loved putting it in to his bag. It is with great regret that I must eat all of his candy. (I was a mouse, by the way, since my ears are flattened in the picture).
Carter's candy
We carved pumpkins too, and Carter's turned out great!
Logan and Daddy stayed home all day and handed out candy. This picture is actually taken Sunday, but I am told Logan answered the door in only his diaper and his sexy abs won the hearts of at least 8 13 yr-old girls.
As for the Doctor's visit, Carter is now 15 lbs oz and his brother is 14 lbs 15.9 oz. Logan's catching up (and he also has a bigger head). They are the same height, though, and both are in perfect health. Yeah!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
The lesser known milestones
When I was pregnant, I would anxiously await each weekly email from to find out what my little poppy seed (before I knew there were two in there) was doing. Then it became my little grapes, then acorns, and then my little chinese cabbages...well, you get the picture. Assuming they were reaching each milestone about that time made it easier to imagine what the little guys were doing, though I figured they might be a little off since there were two. I still get those emails, though they don't relate babies' sizes to food anymore, but it's not really the same when I can see what they're doing. Also, since the boys went and came 5 weeks earlier than they were supposed to, they aren't really on the same track as all those "normal" babies anyway. I don't really know what the boys are supposed to "officially" be doing at this stage in their little lives, but I thought I'd list some of the things that they are doing.
The first Sibling Cuddle: This morning, the boys were sitting next to each other after eating breakfast and Carter leaned over onto Logan and tried to grab his arm - it was like he was trying to give him a big hug! I don't know if it was his intention, but it sure seemed like he was trying to cuddle! (Logan was not as pleased since he was trying to sleep.)

The Pacifier Replacement: When you put Carter's pacifier in his hand, he now has made the connection that if he lifts his hand to his mouth, his pacifier also comes. He has also started - just tonight - sucking his upper lip in anticipation of the binkie on the way.
The first time they realize how to turn out the lights: Also this morning, the boys were in their car seats on the way to their grandma's house. I put on the little wool hats their yaya knitted for them (which are still just a little big if the cuff isn't rolled up) to keep their little tired heads warm, and they kept pulling them down over their eyes. Once Carter was in the car, he pulled his down and went right to sleep. It was adorable! Logan's slipped over his eyes too, but I don't know that he pulled his down. He also went right to sleep. Hmmm... may use that knowledge in the future!
The Nap Shower: This morning was the second (or third) morning where I have successfully showered - with no one else home - while the boys were dutifully taking their morning nap. They are on such a good schedule now, I can be almost sure that they will stay asleep for at least an hour in the morning. How wonderful is that!!
Holding the bottle: Carter does it every once and a while, and boy does it make feeding him easier! He prefers to hold the hand that is holding the bottle, though, so it doesn't usually help. Logan will hold his bottle, but not in his mouth.
Holding the bottle: Carter does it every once and a while, and boy does it make feeding him easier! He prefers to hold the hand that is holding the bottle, though, so it doesn't usually help. Logan will hold his bottle, but not in his mouth.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Rice cereal is not cereal.
I'd like to say that we tried the boys on solid foods last Friday at grandma's house, but really, it was more like feeding them milk with a spoon. Really, I think that giving them a cracker would have been a better way to do it. Maybe we added too much milk, but I followed the directions on the box - they're not really too tricky (or so I though!). Needless to say, they weren't really big fans.
We put Carter in the little high chair (which is still a bit big for him, by the way) since I left their Bumbo chairs at home, and the first thing he did was knock the entire bowl of cereal out of my hand and upside down. Good thing I separated the batch I made into two bowls. So much for not sharing germs. We didn't bother putting Logan in the chair, so he ate out of his grandma's lap. Though he looks content in the picture, most of the cereal ended up on their faces. A little got in the hair. I think we may wait a little while (a week?) before trying again.
Here are a few snapshots to commemorate the event.

We put Carter in the little high chair (which is still a bit big for him, by the way) since I left their Bumbo chairs at home, and the first thing he did was knock the entire bowl of cereal out of my hand and upside down. Good thing I separated the batch I made into two bowls. So much for not sharing germs. We didn't bother putting Logan in the chair, so he ate out of his grandma's lap. Though he looks content in the picture, most of the cereal ended up on their faces. A little got in the hair. I think we may wait a little while (a week?) before trying again.
Here are a few snapshots to commemorate the event.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
New pictures
So I'm still here on my day off, and I just got word from daddy that he'll be another hour. So I figured I might as well post something else while dinner cooks. I was looking through my phone and realized I've taken some really cute pictures since I loaded the last batch, so here are a few.
Both of these pictures were taken on 10/8; the first is Logan standing almost on his own, and the second is Carter and his grandma after they went out to collect the chicken's eggs.

This video is from last Wednesday (10/14) when I was home alone with the boys. Logan was cracking me up with his yelling, so I had to share it...Carter didn't think it was as funny as I did, but he was okay in my arms. (I really think he was just upset since it was no longer his turn to play in the jumper.)
We took the boys on a walk Wednesday night and halfway it started raining. Good thing we bundled the boys up! (Notice the little pointy hats their hoods have...I love it!!)
Both of these pictures were taken on 10/8; the first is Logan standing almost on his own, and the second is Carter and his grandma after they went out to collect the chicken's eggs.
We took the boys on a walk Wednesday night and halfway it started raining. Good thing we bundled the boys up! (Notice the little pointy hats their hoods have...I love it!!)
A few musings on my day off
Evan took the boys with bottles to their grandparents house this afternoon (since his dad has the NFL package mostly) so I've got the afternoon off. After folding 4 loads of laundry and watching an entire TV show (straight through!), and while I'm waiting for the oven to heat up to put the meatballs in that I've whipped up for dinner, I find myself staring out the window at the beautiful Autumn colors. I've come up with a few observations (and random musings) that I'd like to share.
1. Deciduous trees are amazingly beautiful in the fall, especially when they are in a neighbors yard and I don't have to rake the leaves up.
2. Molasses cookies are so easy and GREAT tasting - they are the most underrated cookie I know. I think they will be my new specialty.
3. I may never again be caught up on the laundry, dishes and meals at the same time. Those who know me, know that the only thing I'll never let slip is the food part. Once I put meals before those other two, then you know something is wrong.
4. I really like Billy Joel..."Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" is playing now on the Soft Rock channel on the TV. If you haven't seen the musical "Movin' Out," I highly recommend it. One day, I hope the boys have my appreciation of musicals, but I'm not holding my breath.
5. If I'm ever to complete all of the things I really, truly wish to accomplish (arts & crafts projects you know), I am going to need at least 2 hours more a day of time. Or maybe if I could get by with 3 hours of sleep total, I'd have all my stuff done...maybe.
1. Deciduous trees are amazingly beautiful in the fall, especially when they are in a neighbors yard and I don't have to rake the leaves up.
2. Molasses cookies are so easy and GREAT tasting - they are the most underrated cookie I know. I think they will be my new specialty.
3. I may never again be caught up on the laundry, dishes and meals at the same time. Those who know me, know that the only thing I'll never let slip is the food part. Once I put meals before those other two, then you know something is wrong.
4. I really like Billy Joel..."Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" is playing now on the Soft Rock channel on the TV. If you haven't seen the musical "Movin' Out," I highly recommend it. One day, I hope the boys have my appreciation of musicals, but I'm not holding my breath.
5. If I'm ever to complete all of the things I really, truly wish to accomplish (arts & crafts projects you know), I am going to need at least 2 hours more a day of time. Or maybe if I could get by with 3 hours of sleep total, I'd have all my stuff done...maybe.
Sacrifices and New events
As I stood under the shower as the now almost scalding water poured over me, a cool breeze from the open door came drafting in, making the experience just a little less relaxing than I'd hoped. I almost called out to Evan to come and shut it, since he was the one who had left it open, but I didn't. I didn't because before I even asked, a little voice in my head said, "Bri, that's just parenting, and you're going to have to learn to make sacrifices." (The little voice in my head doesn't actually use my name - it's pretty obvious who it's talking to.)
The reason I didn't ask Evan to come shut the door was because I knew that he was working at getting a little clean Logan diapered and dressed before he got peed on (as well as keeping his brother entertained before his nap). So far, we tend to find that one parent in the shower cleaning the baby and the other parent handing and then taking the baby is our preferred de-gunking method for the boys. Besides, when I thought about whether I wanted myself or my little naked son to be the one to freeze (even if only for a minute), I didn't even have to answer the question to myself. It made the draft quite a bit more bearable (though no less cold.)
As for the boys, they are both doing great. Logan is testing his vocal chords, squealing in a very high pitched little voice and - once and a while - doing a sort of grunting growl while he laughs. We weren't sure if he was happy or sad at first, but we're fairly certain it's a happy thing since he laughs in between. Carter hasn't started the high pitched stuff yet.
The swing that they love has a little play tray that snaps on to the front, and there are toys attached that need to be pushed or pulled to get a noise out of them. The boys would always look at them in fascination (and Logan would talk to the little cow a lot), but they were never able to make it play the little song pulling it plays. We could do it for them, but it only lasts about 2 seconds, then you have to hit it again. Not very entertaining for us. We were all overjoyed then, when Logan (and then Carter a few days later) were finally able to not only reach the toys, but to give them a good whack to get them to play their little song. YEAHH!!! I am so proud of them - I didn't think they would ever be big enough to move those little things (you really have to move them to get them to do anything).
And other big news!! Carter rolled over for the first time Wednesday night, and then again on Friday. He only does it once at a time, but the fact that he's repeated means he's got it down. I think his brother still has the skill, but he's yet to show it to us again.
The reason I didn't ask Evan to come shut the door was because I knew that he was working at getting a little clean Logan diapered and dressed before he got peed on (as well as keeping his brother entertained before his nap). So far, we tend to find that one parent in the shower cleaning the baby and the other parent handing and then taking the baby is our preferred de-gunking method for the boys. Besides, when I thought about whether I wanted myself or my little naked son to be the one to freeze (even if only for a minute), I didn't even have to answer the question to myself. It made the draft quite a bit more bearable (though no less cold.)
As for the boys, they are both doing great. Logan is testing his vocal chords, squealing in a very high pitched little voice and - once and a while - doing a sort of grunting growl while he laughs. We weren't sure if he was happy or sad at first, but we're fairly certain it's a happy thing since he laughs in between. Carter hasn't started the high pitched stuff yet.
The swing that they love has a little play tray that snaps on to the front, and there are toys attached that need to be pushed or pulled to get a noise out of them. The boys would always look at them in fascination (and Logan would talk to the little cow a lot), but they were never able to make it play the little song pulling it plays. We could do it for them, but it only lasts about 2 seconds, then you have to hit it again. Not very entertaining for us. We were all overjoyed then, when Logan (and then Carter a few days later) were finally able to not only reach the toys, but to give them a good whack to get them to play their little song. YEAHH!!! I am so proud of them - I didn't think they would ever be big enough to move those little things (you really have to move them to get them to do anything).
And other big news!! Carter rolled over for the first time Wednesday night, and then again on Friday. He only does it once at a time, but the fact that he's repeated means he's got it down. I think his brother still has the skill, but he's yet to show it to us again.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Pictures from the phone - New and Old
As promised, here are some of the pictures from my phone that I finally (we'll say roughly 6 month) put on the computer.
The boys, in my belly. Taken 4-22-09 (boys were born 4-30):

Little babies, still in the hospital:

Here are the boys in their bouncers at 2 weeks old - Can you believe they were ever this small!?! Now they have to be strapped in because they can practically climb out of these little bouncers.

This is one of the many moments I get to enjoy each day as one of my little boys smile away at me. What a cutie!

Here are the boys at their 4 month doctor's visit, checking themselves out in the mirror. Notice the gown that Carter is wearing - yeah, he threw up on himself.

Grandmama Susie, trying to keep a hold on to her boys and get all her farm chores done at the same time. Yup, that's gonna happen.

Logan, just chillin on the couch.

Carter, sleeping with daddy and covering his ear since mommy is so loud making breakfast.

Sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed. (I had to get up since Logan took my spot - and he takes up so much room too!)
The boys, in my belly. Taken 4-22-09 (boys were born 4-30):
Little babies, still in the hospital:
Here are the boys in their bouncers at 2 weeks old - Can you believe they were ever this small!?! Now they have to be strapped in because they can practically climb out of these little bouncers.
This is one of the many moments I get to enjoy each day as one of my little boys smile away at me. What a cutie!
Here are the boys at their 4 month doctor's visit, checking themselves out in the mirror. Notice the gown that Carter is wearing - yeah, he threw up on himself.
Grandmama Susie, trying to keep a hold on to her boys and get all her farm chores done at the same time. Yup, that's gonna happen.
Logan, just chillin on the couch.
Carter, sleeping with daddy and covering his ear since mommy is so loud making breakfast.
Sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed. (I had to get up since Logan took my spot - and he takes up so much room too!)
Carter's first big boo boo
The boys are getting SO close to sitting up on their own - they can for about 5 seconds before they go toppling off in one direction or another. Unfortunately, Carter did a face plant into the floor and, since he's got such a heavy head (big brain you know) he landed on his cheek and got a little bruise on it. He was playing with grandma and it took him quite a while to be comforted. It was probably a good thing that I was not there at the time - just thinking about his little sad face makes my heart break. It's not like they haven't fallen before, but this is the first time that he got a bruise from it. They have scratched themselves loads of times (Carter rubs his face when he's tired, and though I try to keep their nails clipped, he still gets himself a lot).
Which leads in to my next topic of discussion - Nail Clipping. By far the trickiest part of parenting. It's no wonder getting older usually comes with needing reading glasses - you have to squint so much just to see those little fingers. Then there is the fear of clipping the little tip off, and don't even get me started on the fact that there are 40 little nails to clip!! It's tough when they are asleep, and almost impossible when they're awake. Sometimes I try to do it while they're eating (and distracted) but that usually only results in 2 or 3 nails getting clipped. And they grow so fast!! It seems like just after I finally get all 40 clipped, they're long and scratchy again!
Which leads in to my next topic of discussion - Nail Clipping. By far the trickiest part of parenting. It's no wonder getting older usually comes with needing reading glasses - you have to squint so much just to see those little fingers. Then there is the fear of clipping the little tip off, and don't even get me started on the fact that there are 40 little nails to clip!! It's tough when they are asleep, and almost impossible when they're awake. Sometimes I try to do it while they're eating (and distracted) but that usually only results in 2 or 3 nails getting clipped. And they grow so fast!! It seems like just after I finally get all 40 clipped, they're long and scratchy again!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Holding hands
One thing that I forgot to mention is the other new habit the boys have developed. They love to hold hands. They hold each others' hands (and try to suck on each others' hands and arms if they're available), but they also love to hold big hands. If they lose their pacifier and politely request it, they will not only greedily suck in the binky, they will also grasp whose ever hand is giving it to them with both of theirs and pull it close to their face. If it were up to them, they wouldn't ever let it go!
I've made a new goal to try and post at least once a week, pictures or not. I just wanted to say how amazed i am with my children. They are reaching out and grabbing at everything, and their focus is getting so much better than it was even a month ago. I don't know where they are supposed to be developmentally, but I am pretty sure that they are both GENIUSES.
They are rocking the movement thing, although unconventionally. None of that "rolling over" dumb stuff -- that's for babies!! Carter likes to arch his back and gets quite some distance by scooting up, whereas Logan (somehow) scoots down. We've woken up in the morning and he's moved about a half a foot (and is still totally swaddled) and has his butt in the corner of the crib with his legs in the air. (We angle the boys, heads together, feet away from each other, since they are now too big to lie side by side.) Logan still hasn't given us a repeat of his rolling over act -- he hangs out on his tummy for about 2 minutes and then lets us know quickly that he's had enough.
Both boys love their jumper and are really in to playing their little piano. Unfortunately we only have one jumper, but Logan is content to stand next to it and he plays on the piano while his brother bounces away.
Just a few minutes ago, Evan finally found Carter's ticklish spot and had him hysterically laughing on the floor. He'd already found Logan's, so this is quite an accomplishment. They are all so cute. We even got video of it on our fancy little camera...for a later post maybe. ;)
One last thing -- I may have mentioned that we got the boys on a little more structured nap schedule, and started putting them in their crib for nap times (instead of just letting them sleep where they fall). They do pretty good, but every once and a while Logan will get all wrapped up to sleep, have the droopy eyes and all, and then, once he's laid down, decide he's ready to play. It's so hard when his brother is just drifting off and Logan lets out a loud little squeal of joy. (Of course, Carter wakes with a start, looks all confused for a minute and then falls back asleep). Logan's smiling up at me so big and cooing and talking, it's hard to walk away from that and not egg him on. Carter does it every once and a while, but he values his sleep a little more than his brother. Speaking of being awake during nap time when they should be sleeping...Gotta go!
They are rocking the movement thing, although unconventionally. None of that "rolling over" dumb stuff -- that's for babies!! Carter likes to arch his back and gets quite some distance by scooting up, whereas Logan (somehow) scoots down. We've woken up in the morning and he's moved about a half a foot (and is still totally swaddled) and has his butt in the corner of the crib with his legs in the air. (We angle the boys, heads together, feet away from each other, since they are now too big to lie side by side.) Logan still hasn't given us a repeat of his rolling over act -- he hangs out on his tummy for about 2 minutes and then lets us know quickly that he's had enough.
Both boys love their jumper and are really in to playing their little piano. Unfortunately we only have one jumper, but Logan is content to stand next to it and he plays on the piano while his brother bounces away.
Just a few minutes ago, Evan finally found Carter's ticklish spot and had him hysterically laughing on the floor. He'd already found Logan's, so this is quite an accomplishment. They are all so cute. We even got video of it on our fancy little camera...for a later post maybe. ;)
One last thing -- I may have mentioned that we got the boys on a little more structured nap schedule, and started putting them in their crib for nap times (instead of just letting them sleep where they fall). They do pretty good, but every once and a while Logan will get all wrapped up to sleep, have the droopy eyes and all, and then, once he's laid down, decide he's ready to play. It's so hard when his brother is just drifting off and Logan lets out a loud little squeal of joy. (Of course, Carter wakes with a start, looks all confused for a minute and then falls back asleep). Logan's smiling up at me so big and cooing and talking, it's hard to walk away from that and not egg him on. Carter does it every once and a while, but he values his sleep a little more than his brother. Speaking of being awake during nap time when they should be sleeping...Gotta go!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Yaya's August visit...two months later.
August Pictures
As promised, here are some pictures of the boys. They aren't the ones from my phone...those will have to wait. I know that I will probably post too many, but they're just so ADORABLE (and I'm not just saying that because I'm mom) I can't decide ones not to post. Besides, this is a VERY limited selection of how many pictures we take of them. To narrow it down, I'll separate them by month. Here are some from August.
Early August:
Logan doing his tree frog impression.

Daddy and the boys watching Saturday morning Sportscenter; and Carter saying "Daddy, Daddy, is it cartoon time yet??"
Tummy Time!!
What happens when mommy forgets to bring hats on a walk and it gets cold...Daddy is so creative!!

Here are some more from mid August:
Daddy teaching Logan how to play XBox.
Logan getting ready for his street fighting career.
Carter, chillin' in his Bumbo.
Logan saying "Dad, I'm too tired to play in the jumper!"

Logan, helping mom with laundry.

Angelique's wedding, 8-8-09
Here is me getting Logan's bottle ready...we thought bottles would be easier since there were so many extra hands around. Unfortunately there were no grandparents to be found, so mom and dad fed them. :)
Here is cousin Jessica holding both boys in her fancy wrap. Don't they look cozy!
Here is Logan after the wedding. He hit the bottle a little too hard with his great uncle Mark at the bar and was sleeping it off in the morning.
Early August:
Daddy and the boys watching Saturday morning Sportscenter; and Carter saying "Daddy, Daddy, is it cartoon time yet??"
Tummy Time!!
Here are some more from mid August:
Daddy teaching Logan how to play XBox.
Logan getting ready for his street fighting career.
Carter, chillin' in his Bumbo.
Logan saying "Dad, I'm too tired to play in the jumper!"
Logan, helping mom with laundry.
Angelique's wedding, 8-8-09
Here is me getting Logan's bottle ready...we thought bottles would be easier since there were so many extra hands around. Unfortunately there were no grandparents to be found, so mom and dad fed them. :)
Here is Logan after the wedding. He hit the bottle a little too hard with his great uncle Mark at the bar and was sleeping it off in the morning.
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