Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Energy Boost?

I was asked by someone the other day if the "second trimester energy boost" had hit yet. Well, I just moved into week 26 and I've seen no sign of it. I'm still holding out hope, but I'm not holding my breath.

Speaking of breathing, there's something they don't talk about much with pregnancy (though I'm sure I get all these symotoms a little more pronounced since I'm growing two at a time). I have never considered myself the athletic type, but I did drag my lazy butt into the gym a few times a week before these boys took residence. Heck, I even have for a few weeks in a row during their stay. (Maybe that was my energy boost.) But lately, the whole breathing thing has made things difficult on a whole new level. It's not just working out...that doesn't happen anymore. It's walking up the stairs. One way. I pant like I've just sprinted 100 yards. Even chewing food has become a task - I have to take "breathers" in between a big bite. (I try to avoid doing that since it's not so pretty to see a half chewed mouthful of food just hanging out in my mouth while I gulp breaths around it.)

Aside from that (and a few other not so neat side effects that I wont mention here), this pregnancy is going well. The boys seem to be healthy and happy (or as happy as they can be all squished up in there), so I count that as a plus. Yesterday morning, I had thought they were starting to run out of room to rear back and clock me, since there hadn't been much of that going on lately. Just rolling around and little squirms like I had fish living in my belly. (Big fish, of course.) I mentioned my theory to my mother and I think they heard. They spent the rest of the day proving me wrong by hitting harder than ever. They've definitely figured out how to drop elbows...I don't know how they get the leverage, but as Evan and I were watching my stomach move last night - and I'm not kidding - it rose at least 1/2" in one little circle (more than once). Considering all the layers they have to reach through, I though it was very impressive. I actually spent the entire time I was brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed in a perma-sway to try and rock them to sleep since I was starting to feel bruised. It worked for about 20 minutes, but they started in on me again once I laid down. They're usually calmer in the morning, but they've already started up again (it's almost 9 am).

Most of the elbow dropping is actually coming from baby A, but B has his moves too. Instead of hitting mommy like his brother, he's decided that all he needs to do is scoot his little bum right out her side and up next to her ribs. Though it doesn't hurt yet (he hasn't figured how to get up into my rib cage yet), the pressure of it still feels pretty wierd. And that's nothing compared to the huge lump he makes off the side of my stomach when I look down to see what the heck he's doing. Both boys are really trying hard to make sure I know they're there (or else they're just tired of their roommate and are trying to work out ways they can get their own space).

Not quite time to get a place of your own yet boys. Soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to have found your blog!! I know it must seem wierd that people want to read about your personal experience, but it is a joy for me to think back on my pregnancy and remember going through the same things! I only had one baby and I felt like I couldn't breathe for a long time - it wasn't until Asher started to drop that I could really breathe again!!

    I think about you a lot - and I'm serious when I say I'll come over to help out whenever you need!! I think we all need to get together for dinner anyway, but I'd be happy to come vacuum or paint or do laundry!! Hope to hear from you soon!

