When I was a kid I had one of those cutesy little diary with the little lock on the side, a page for each day and beautifully gilded pages. I would fall behind and, feeling guilty for not writing in it for all those days, would scroll "VACATION" or "Gone To Disneyland" across the entire page to "explain" why I hadn't written. I took a lot of "vacations" according to more than one diary.
The thing is, I am a terrible procrastinator, selectively obsessive compulsive and have a terrible concentration level (just writing this entry will most likely take me hours since I will get distracted, come back to it, get distracted again...my husband calls it "shiny object syndrome" but we all know that it doesn't have to be shiny to get me off track). Just to prove the last point, I'm starting this at 10:21 am. We'll just see when it gets posted.
Here is a little about my life "as is" at this moment. My husband is Evan, and we have been married for what will be 3 years in March. We are very happily married, but we haven't quite "made it" financially like we thought we would have. Oh well...we like ramen noodles and Target, so it works out ok.
Both of our parents are remarried, so there are a lot of grandparents for the boys...good thing there will be two of them for all to share! We truly are blessed with the family that we have (and boy did I luck out with all my in-laws!). My parents (my mom and step dad, who I grew up with) live about 20 minutes away, Evan's dad and step mom live 40 minutes away, and his mom and step dad live 4 hours away (and are very willing roadtrippers). All of them say they'll babysit (at least now). The only long distance grandparents are my father and stepmother, who live in Vegas, but I guess 3 out of 4 isn't bad. I wont even go in to siblings, since we've got a lot. Maybe in another post.
Well, that's all I've got for now...I'm sure there was more I wanted to say, but I've forgotten...it's incredible what pregnancy does to an already distracted and forgetful person.
Until later,
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