Thursday, October 10, 2013

Last summer

In an attempt to update the blog, I typed half a post and saved it, intending to come back to it later. When pulling it up to finish it, I came across another unfinished blog - from Aug 2012. Oops. So here is a blast from our past...

Logan found a roll of wrapping paper under my bed the other day, and brought it all the way downstairs. I saw it, and briefly objected, since they always crinkle the paper up when they play with it, but I was in the middle of something and so let him play for a minute before confiscating it. He walks in to the kitchen a minute later and hands me the roll. “I wapped da pay-pa!” It took me a minute to realize that he wasn’t just handing me the roll of wrapping paper – he had actually wrapped paper. He had unrolled the wrapping paper, laid flat multiple sheets of paper (8 ½ x 11, taken from my “to be filed” pile) and rolled them up into the roll of wrapping paper.  He was very proud.
Our Eggplant…The boys keep looking in vain to find the eggs that it must grow sooner or later. It is a miniature white eggplant, so that makes it all very confusing.
The boys’ favorite song for the last month or so is Michael Jackson’s “She’s out of My Life.” They also feel the need to remind me every time we listen to it that Michael Jackson is a boy but he just has a high voice. He’s not a girl. 
They are in their “question everything” stage (does that ever end??).  

It does, by the way, but only partially. Last summer, the boys' favorite word was "WHY?" and they would use it repeatedly. There is a bit more depth to their questions now. Logan will sometimes come up with an elaborate scenario for something, usually when we're in the car and I can't hear all that he's saying the first time, and then end it with "Could that really happen, in real life?" Uh...Yes? I think the last one was regarding a lone construction sawhorse thing blinking on the side of the road, and the reason it was

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