Monday, April 18, 2011

More Dooties

The boys are just starting to put phrases together, and their pronunciation is often times hilariously adorable. Their comprehension of what I say also astounds and suprises me, but also delights me at the same time. This morning, before I could get the gate up at the bottom of the stairs, both of my little explorers escaped up the stairs in a flash. They've gotten to the point where they're fairly confident on the stairs, and I'm not too worried about them going it alone, so I didn't jump to go get them right away. I listened to their squeels of glee as they chased each other around our bedroom and bathroom. Since it's Monday, and I'm feeling extra lazy, I decided to try just calling them down. Since I know that "Boys! Come down!" is just ignored, I added a "Boys! Come down for a cookie!" As it turns out, that was the magic word. Instantly there was a little scuttle at the top of the stairs and I heard Logan say "Dootie, Dootie" (he doesn't quite have the "K" sound yet for that) and was down as fast as he could slide on his belly. Carter took a minute, since he was busy taking stuff off our bathroom counter, so by the time he got down his brother already had both cookies (I'd set out one for each) in his hands.
Logan gave me the "I'm not going to give him this cookie - he was too slow and I got it fair and square!" look. I bribed him to give his brother the cookie by offering Logan another. Nice parenting: Cookies for breakfast, bribery... But it worked!! (And it was a small cookie, with nuts for protien.)
*As a side note, I also learned the extent of their reach this morning after I waited a minute too long to respond to the "more dooties" request. Instead of waiting for me to say "we're all done with the cookies," Logan (and then Carter and minute later) pulled the bag closer to him on the counter and grabbed out his own. And I had pushed it back.

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