"This is supposed to be a SKIM breast milk latte!!
Seriously people."
Recently, we tried out the Bumbo chair that many of my friends swear by for their babies. They're supposed to be able to support their own head before they sit in it, but it is great for those little ones who can't sit up on their own yet. Of course our little tykes aren't quite to the point that they can hold their heads up for long, but in the spirit of trying everything early, we put both of them in it last Friday. I think they did really well, considering, though I think the fact that they are so short the back of the little chair does a little to support them from behind. Maybe that's cheating a little, but I'll take it! Not quite ready to leave them in it while I go the grocery store (ha ha ha), but it's a start.
Seriously people."
Very cute!