It's been a while since I've posted...the 2 month mark has already come and gone. At the boys' last doctor's visit, coincidentally their 2 month check-up, Carter was 9 lbs 0.2 oz and Logan was 7 lbs 13 oz. Beefy, I know.
Carter has started to smile, although he still only does it about once a day for daddy or I. Evan did try get it on camera, but he got his shadow in the pictures so they're a little dark. As you can see, there is nothing little about his smile - it's an ear to ear grin.

Logan is almost there, but is saving his smile for something really fun I think. Apparently they have an extra 5 weeks to do all this kind of stuff, since they were 5 weeks early...we're expecting it any day. There are times that it looks like he's about to smile, but it hasn't quite culminated into one yet.
Oh, and Logan's hair has finally started to grow back! He was born with a full head of hair, just like his brother. Around three weeks old, his little hairline started to recede, and stopped only when he had a perfectly smooth old man hairdo (bald on the top in a circle, but full on the sides). It's almost as long as it was at birth now!
The boys are getting very strong, too. Carter is a little bit better at holding his head up than his brother, but both boys are getting great muscle control. We try to give them a lot of tummy time, but almost every time we do, this is the result:

And yes, they are so asleep that their pacifiers are hanging out of their mouths. This was taken yesterday, Carter on top, Logan on the bottom.
Here are more pictures of the boys lately:
6/17 I swear, Logan was fast asleep with his arms out like this...obviously mom and dad need to work on their swaddling abilities when wrapping Houdini.

6/17 Carter, hanging out in his swing and then chewing on his brother's arm...he was very hungry. Notice that Logan sleeps right through it.

6/22 What happens when daddy dresses Logan: "Daddy, my pants don't go up here!!"

6/23 The boys, dressed to go out with their little Nike's on. Also daddy holding Logan to show off his outfit and shoes.

6/26 Carter, ready to go out in his little Sox fan shirt and Nike shoes.

6/28 The boys, playing together and then napping. (Actually, Logan was smiling in his sleep, but it's still adorable!)

6/30 Logan, showing off his muscles.

6/30 The boys have a little bit of reflux and so have to sit up after they eat...You can't tell, but Logan is actually whispering to his brother "hey awake up there? Let's go play!!"

7/3 Logan got his foot caught in great grandma Betty's blanket.