Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The magic of the six weeks

The boys are almost to the magic “six week” date, when everything is supposed to get much easier, so I thought I’d take a minute to think back on what it was like in the beginning compared to now. Is it really easier?? I’d like to think that they will go to sleep tonight and wake up easier, but since getting them to sleep at night is still a tough one, I’m not going to bet on that.

Carter started life at 5 lbs 2 oz and was 7 lbs 8 oz at the doctor's on Monday. He was fed by a tube for the first few days of his life since the nurses didn't want him to waste the calories drinking out of a bottle (before my milk came in of course). Now he my better nurser and will put down at least an ounce or two more than his brother at their nightly bottle feeding. He got a very strong neck and for a few weeks now has been able to lift his head off of your chest and look around at things. It even looks like he's starting to focus in on objects. He still crosses his eyes if he looks too hard at something, but hey, it's a step, right? He has started standing up a little on dad's chest, and is very good at scooting himself up farther if he's not comfortable. He smiles (with gas mostly), but he does it with his tongue sticking partly out. We found out a few doctor's visits ago that he has reflux, with is why he would grunt like a little warthog all night long. (Since we've found out, we sit him up after feeding and he's a much quieter sleeper). He still spits up a lot, though.

Logan started life at 4 lbs 8 oz (and was only 4 lb 1 oz when we took him home), but he is now 6 lb 4 oz last Monday and has officially gained more than an ounce per day for the last few weeks before. Looking at him compared to his brother he still looks very tiny and skinny, but he's starting to really chunk up. I think that he's even getting a double chin! (Though compared to his brothers 3 chins, it's hard to tell.) Looking at pictures from the hospital compared to now is a drastic difference. He smile more than his brother (and mostly keeps his tongue in his mouth), but that may be because he has more gas than his brother. He has a little strawberry hemangioma on his nose that we have to put cortizone cream on morning and night in an attempt to shrink it down or inhibit its growth (since it's growing into his miniature nostril). It doesn't seem to be working but we'll go in to the dermatologist next week to see for sure. He is still fitting in to some preemie clothes, and is much too small still for most newborn sizes. He's sort of a tweener right now...though his grandma loves to put him in outfits that are much too big.

I suppose that was more a summary of each boy more than a comparison, but I'm ok with that. Eventually I'll even write in their baby book and get this all down, but for now this is all I've got. Now off to feed...again... :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brianne! Glad to hear things are going well with you all.

