We've made it to June 2, the official due date of the boys, the day when the boys are supposed to miraculously "wake up" and act like newborns. No miracles, but I would say that since we brought them home more than 3 weeks ago they have changed quite a bit. I don't notice the daily changes in their appearance (and size) like others do, since I'm with them all the time, but when I think about their little personalities then and now, and there are noticable differences.
They sleep less during the day, and seem to spend more time with their eyes wide looking around. All they used to do was sleep and eat, then sleep again (they went to the bathroom in their sleep). Currently, they eat for about 40 minutes to an hour each feeding, eat every 3-4 hours (from the start of one feeding to the next) and still sleep about an hour or two of that in between time. Unless mommy wants to take a nap while they snooze in their bouncers of course - then they're both wide awake.
Carter loves to be held, and demands it more than his brother when he has to chill in between feedings. Logan is more content to sit and look around with his eyes wide. We're not sure what they look at, since I'm not sure how well they focus yet, but what ever it is they both become very enthralled with things. Both of them now seem to be looking up at the little toys that are attached to their bouncy seats more, though again, who knows how much of it they really see. They don't seem interested in the actual toys yet (since they are detachable), but they're getting there.
Breastfeeding is going well...much easier than when we first came home. Three weeks ago I was terrified at the idea of not having someone here to help me feed them. Even bottle feeding them takes two. I still need an extra set of hands to help with burping and such, since they nurse at the same time and tie my hands up a bit, but I have fed them alone before and it can be done. Thank goodness the boys are good nursers! Logan takes forever, but he gets the job done eventually.
Speaking of that, we are still going in weekly to weigh him, but at the last two appts. he's gained an ounce a day consistently so I'm not worried too much about that. At the weigh in last Wed, Carter was 6 lb 6.6 oz and Logan was 5 lb 4.4 oz.
We went last weekend to get the boys' pictures taken by a professional photographer and they turned out great. The photographer met my mom in the dressing room of some dept store and after finding out that she was having twin grandbabies (since my mom told
every person she came across during my pregnancy) offered to do the session for free to have them for her portfolio. Turns out having twins comes with some advantages! Here is a link to her blog where she posted a few of the pictures (look under the June 1 entry): http://www.angelasmithphotography.blogspot.com/
She was absolutely awesome - and so patient! The boys were fussy after a while, and there was no end to the pee and poop that Evan and I got covered in (since all of the shots were done diaperless). Carter actually pooped in my hand at one point when he was sitting in it for a pose, and then got some pretty good distance peeing from the same spot. She said it was to be expected. She works in her garage turned studio in Sherwood, and I would definitely recommend her to do any babies pictures. I'm just bummed I didn't get her to do pictures of me while I was still pregnant.