So...I know that it's been a while, but there are a few things that have been distracting me from my prominent blogging career. The boys are here!!
The boys were delivered via c-section around 5 pm last Thursday (April 30) and were 5 lb 2 oz and 4 lbs 8 oz. Carter is the bigger of the two, and Logan is so tiny he looks a little like ET. They are now 4 lbs 13 oz and 4 lbs 3 oz (they lose weight after birth but are putting it on again). We are all doing well but are REALLY tired since we have to wake the boys up every 2-3 hours to feed them. More details will (hopefully) follow.
Here are a few pics that have been taken in the last few days:

Here are the boys in the nursery, Logan in the background, Carter in the foreground

Here is Carter, still hooked up to all his cords (don't worry, he had it all out after 2 days).

Carter sleeping.

Here is Logan, in the first few days.

Logan sleeping.

Logan on the right, Carter on the left...they don't like the flash!
Stay tuned for more pics later...I've got to go feed!