I've never been the type of girl who was great at keeping my house spotlessly clean. I'm the type of person who I looks at my dirty toilet and thinks "Hmm. I really should get to cleaning that." Granted, there are mornings, not 10 minutes after I wake up, that I'll get 15 minutes of surprise cardio in scrubbing my shower because I couldn't stand it anymore. I've just never been the type to
plan on cleaning the house from top to bottom and sticking with it. I get distracted
way too easy and end up doing something totally different. So usually, and a lot more lately since I've started carrying my 2 little passengers, I'll come home from a full day of work, tired, get dinner ready and then collapse on the couch. I'll plan on doing the cleaning tomorrow...or on the weekend. That's never really worked, so my house has always had places, in one spot or another, that were really not clean.
But no more!! My mom (wonderfully woman that she is) decided she would pay for her cleaning lady to come to my house and clean a few times before the babies are born. HALLELUJAH!! Words can not even express how wonderful it was to come home to a clean house, knowing that I can just sit down and rest without having to think about all of the things I'm not accomplishing. They even cleaned my stove top, took the burners out, threw the burner rings
and knobs in the dishwasher and started it! I am very pleased. Of course there is already little bits of dirt that is moving back in since Ev and I have been home for a few hours, but I'm still very happy about the whole thing.
In the world of babies, we met with a pediatrician this morning. I was recommended to the clinic by a pregnant friend (from the twin group I belong to) who already has a 14 year old, an 8 year old and a 3 year old. Unfortunately, the doctor whom she's taken all of her kids to wasn't accepting new ones. The good news is, that doctor has a job share partner (so when one doc isn't available you get the other) who is. That's who we met with. There are about 15 doctors there, and another big whole clump at their other location, but they try to keep you to the same pair (or trio) of docs.
I have to say that really like this lady. Her nurse called us back (like always) and was very friendly and welcoming. She gave us a mini tour of part of the offices and then led us into the doctor's office (not a patient room, the actual office). She came in a few minutes later and we pretty much said "we have no idea what kind of questions to ask or what to expect." She was also very friendly and I just got a really good vibe from her. I didn't know it at the time, since I didn't read her little blurb in the office brochure until afterward, but she got her bachelor's in the same thing I did. History. How could I not think she's cool now? True, I didn't go to Princeton, but it's the same thing, right?
At first I was thinking I should maybe shop around and get a feel for what else is out there, but I've since come to the conclusion that doing so would just be a waste of time. Pediatrician: Check!
We also had a little visit from Evan's dad tonight (since he only lives about 30 minutes away), and he brought the stroller that his mom (Grandma Nancy) bought off of our registry for us. She got it online and then had it shipped to him. It's a side by side and, though I can't fit it through my bedroom doorway without turning it sideways, I think that it will be perfect. We also registered for a Double Snap n Go, which is basically a metal frame with wheels that the car seats snap in to for ease of transport and use to get us through the first few months. Originally I was thinking we would wait to upgrade until the wee ones grew too big for their car seats, but I saw a pair of 4 month old boys rollin around in a side by side at the store and they had it well in hand. I think this one will be nice to have around for a while. I still want the frame stroller for when it's just mommy, two sleeping babies and a LOT of groceries and baby accessories, but I'm glad we got this one too. We are having two kids, right? Why not two types of strollers?
Well, enough about strollers and house keepers...I need to go enjoy my clean house!