The other night my wife and I had a discussion regarding the difference in personality of the boys. I have thought from the beginning that parents of singletons are missing out on watching two distinct personalities develop side by side. It's great to watch one child develop, but watching two who are going through the same upbringing in the same surroundings develop into individuals is an incredible sight.
I use this as a preface because our conversation centered around how different they already are. More importantly, all those predictions that we make about our children and who they will be at some point in the future. In this case, our conversation centered around the topic of courage, fear (or lack thereof), and risk aversion.
Our children have very different levels of risk tolerance already. It's awesome to watch, and a little scary at the same time. Some of you may know, and for those who don't, Logan has decided that there is no such thing as fear. He will do anything. Two months ago we had someone check out the boys for development and when the subject of playing games came up, the only one we could think of is the one he plays when he wants to hang upside down (he leans over backwards and smiles at you). That's right, he loves it, and wants to do it anytime he can!
From climbing stairs, climbing shelves in the fridge, being thrown in the air, hanging upside down, he loves it all. Which is the exact opposite of his brother Carter. Carter has days where if you pick him up, and don't cradle him close to your body, he starts to shake a bit with fear. This isn't a constant, but it does happen and we are very aware of when he's feeling a little skittish.
His brother will undoubtedly do things a little different. Did I mention that when you tell Logan "No" he tends to laugh at you. No joke, he smiles, leans his head back, giggles a little, and goes right back to doing whatever you asked him to stop. I know, I know, he's not quite one yet (this friday), but he's still sitting there laughing at me. Logan is sure to take a different path than Carter. At this point I believe Logan will be telling us to jump off a cliff when his big skydiving trip comes up. Seriously, is it bad that I'm already wondering how hard it will be to control this little stud?
Anyway, I just thought I would share a little personality with the world. It's fun having these conversations, and knowing (in some cases simply hoping) that we are wrong with our predictions. Or maybe not, and I'll end up with a nuclear physicist and an x-games gold medalist. I could live with that.