I'd like to say that the boys had a growth spurt and have shot past that 15th percentile mark, but they really haven't. They have however, been reaching some of those much discussed milestones in the past few weeks. They are now sitting up completely on their own. Carter can sit up for longer stretches (like 10 minutes or more), and the only reason I don't put Logan in the same category is that he usually gets too excited playing with his feet or grinning like a Cheshire Cat at someone and tips himself backwards.
Logan has also started kicking like a little jackhammer...I don't think that is a milestone, but it's really funny anyway. He get's his right leg going and just kicks away at whatever is in front of him. Usually it's his brother. Notice in the following pics where Logan's leg is, and then where Carter's hand is. (The second is actually a video, but for some reason I couldn't get the computer to recognize it as such...so check back often - if I figure it out I'll change it).
We also started solid foods, and they are GREAT eaters. We started on the first (see, we waited longer than 6 months - 2 days counts, right?) with bananas and within a few days they were eating like they'd been doing it for months. They are already eating a jars worth of food each (1/2 jar of 2 different flavors) plus a few tablespoons of cereal twice a day. Since we started, they've gotten better at opening their mouths, though whether that keeps the meal cleaner or not depends on who's feeding them (grandma, you know I'm talking to you ... he he he!). We technically started with rice cereal, but they weren't really in to that plain, and so it wasn't until the bananas that they really devoted themselves to the food. Since the bananas, we also added peas, then pears (since, as it turns out, bananas and rice cereal aren't so great at keeping little babies regular, but everything that starts a "p" is). They love it all, plain or mixed together. Today we started oatmeal (instead of the glue like rice cereal) and they seemed ok with that too. It's so hard to wait the prescribed 3-5 days in between each food! I want them to try it all now!
Carter, looking to make sure that it is really gone, then licking the bowl.
Logan, saving some for later on his cheeks, lips and eyebrows.
One more cute thing the boys are doing: grabbing at faces (of people they know) when they're a little tired. Carter is more aggressive with it, but Logan does it too. They reach for your nose and/or mouth and either stick their fingers into your mouth or nostrils or hold your mouth or nose closed. It wasn't really a cute thing until we clipped Carter's nails, though, as the scratches all over my face can prove.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Six months in Vegas and Halloween
Carter and Logan celebrated their 6 month birthday last Friday by going to the doctors, and then Carter decided he wanted a little more celebration, so he convinced mommy to take him to Las Vegas for a day.
Okay, so that wasn't exactly how it came about, but we did still go to Las Vegas for a day. My grandmother lives there (as well as my father and some other family) and I was given the opportunity to use an expiring plane ticket this weekend to visit her, since she is not in the best of health. We had discussed me going and having the boys stay with Evan while he went up to his dad's house, but on consulting his dad (at the last minute, of course) we realized that he was out of town the entire weekend. It is free to take a child on the plane up to age two, and my father hasn't met the boys yet, so we thought it would be a treat for me to take one.
Deciding who to take wasn't too difficult, either. Both of the boys have had a little cold and since Logan was still a bit congested and his brother wasn't (as confirmed by the doctor's little light-up-the-nose thingy), Carter came with me. He did very well on the plane, and even though we didn't get in to bed until after midnight Friday night, he went to sleep well and woke up smiling. We went trick-r-treating with my little sister Kelly (who was a kitty) and Carter (the monkey) even held his own bag for most of the way (he rode in the baby Bjorn). I felt a little bad at first when people gave us candy, but everyone thought he was so cute, they loved putting it in to his bag. It is with great regret that I must eat all of his candy. (I was a mouse, by the way, since my ears are flattened in the picture).
Carter's candy
We carved pumpkins too, and Carter's turned out great!
Logan and Daddy stayed home all day and handed out candy. This picture is actually taken Sunday, but I am told Logan answered the door in only his diaper and his sexy abs won the hearts of at least 8 13 yr-old girls.
As for the Doctor's visit, Carter is now 15 lbs oz and his brother is 14 lbs 15.9 oz. Logan's catching up (and he also has a bigger head). They are the same height, though, and both are in perfect health. Yeah!!
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